We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
December 17, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.
We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
January 15, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.
We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
February 19, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.
We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
March 19, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.
We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
April 16, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.
We will have announcements, demos, show & tell, and time for making. All are welcome!
May 21, 2023
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Join us for a monthly meeting on Zoom, except June when we will hold our Annual Business Meeting, and we take July and August off as a Summer break. Most months we will have a demo or program, and we’ll have time for show and tell and discussion. Meetings with a program WILL be recorded and posted on the Guild Meeting Recordings page on the website. Some speakers only allow us to post the recordings for a limited time, so be sure to check them out shortly after the meeting date.
All are welcome! Members, check the newsletter for the Zoom link. Guests, please email for an invite.
NOTE: We will continue to have monthly meetings on Zoom in addition to our in-person craft-ins, both for those from out of the Charlottesville area and those who don’t wish to attend in person.
Questions, email programs@cvfg.org.