Guild Social Hour

A casual meeting without a program that is not recorded. A time for guild members to see new faces and connect with each other. A great wayto meet up if you live outside the area and can’t make it to the in-person monthly meeting or the 7 pm meeting is just too late in the … Continue reading "Guild Social Hour"

CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in

Location: Peace Lutheran Church, 1510 Broad Crossing Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911. Join us for an informal craft-in/spin-in the first Sunday of each month (any exceptions will be noted in the newsletters and on the calendar). All are welcome! Bring your wheel, loom, or other portable fiber art to work on, get help, or play. IMPORTANT … Continue reading "CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in"

Guild Social Hour

A casual meeting without a program that is not recorded. A time for guild members to see new faces and connect with each other. A great wayto meet up if you live outside the area and can’t make it to the in-person monthly meeting or the 7 pm meeting is just too late in the … Continue reading "Guild Social Hour"

CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in

Location: Peace Lutheran Church, 1510 Broad Crossing Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911. Join us for an informal craft-in/spin-in the first Sunday of each month (any exceptions will be noted in the newsletters and on the calendar). All are welcome! Bring your wheel, loom, or other portable fiber art to work on, get help, or play. IMPORTANT … Continue reading "CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in"