CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in
Join us for an informal IN-PERSON craft-in/spin in the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!
Join us for an informal IN-PERSON craft-in/spin in the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!
Join us for an informal IN-PERSON craft-in/spin in the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!
Virtual on Zoom, find the link in the newsletter. Join other weavers to learn about the Fiberworks weaving program.
Join us on fourth Thursday evenings (unless it's a holiday) for a weaver's meeting with talks, demos, and short programs by members.
Join us for an informal IN-PERSON craft-in/spin in the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!
Virtual on Zoom, find the link in the newsletter. Join other weavers to learn about the Fiberworks weaving program.
Join us on fourth Thursday evenings (unless it's a holiday) for a weaver's meeting with talks, demos, and short programs by members.
Join us for an informal IN-PERSON craft-in/spin in the first Sunday of each month. All are welcome!