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Click on event titles for more information
Embroidery Study Group
The embroidery group is starting back up again!
Spinners Meeting
A casual spinners meeting on Zoom.
Virtual Guild Meeting
A monthly Zoom meeting - with presentations from many speakers on a variety of topics. Check the newsletter for the topic of the month! Meets monthly on the third Sunday … Continue reading "Virtual Guild Meeting"
Fleece & Fiber Prep Study Group
A study group for those interested in learning more about natural fibers and how to process and prepare them for spinning and other fiber arts use. The Fleece and Fiber … Continue reading "Fleece & Fiber Prep Study Group"
Guild Social Hour
A casual meeting without a program that is not recorded. A time for guild members to see new faces and connect with each other. A great wayto meet up if … Continue reading "Guild Social Hour"
Fiber Prep Day
You won't want to miss this fun fiber prep day!
CVFG Weavers Meeting
ZoomJoin us on fourth Thursday evenings (unless it's a holiday) for a weaver's meeting with talks, demos, and short programs by members.
CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in
Location: Peace Lutheran Church, 1510 Broad Crossing Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911. Join us for an informal craft-in/spin-in the first Sunday of each month (any exceptions will be noted in the … Continue reading "CVFG IN-PERSON Monthly Craft-in/Spin-in"